Dr Alexander Klimenko

Director: The Centre for Multiscale and Renewable Energy Systems, The University of Queensland

Dr Alexander Klimenko’s research interests are in: Multiscale phenomena, Reacting flows, Turbulence, Energy and Coal, Technology and its Cycles, Complex Competitive Systems, Analytical and Computational Methods.

Dr Klimenko lectures in Mechanical Engineering within the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering.

He received his PhD from Moscow University in 1991 and his DEng from the University of Queensland in 2007.

Dr Klimenko has made an outstanding contribution to theory and computation of reacting flows: the conditional equations introduced by him proved to be a most efficient toll in simulation or multiscale phenomena of different nature. His models and approaches (CMC,MMC,IDFE, PCMC theory of RCLand others) have resulted in dramatic improvements in efficiency of simulations and are used and recognized worldwide.

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National Cluster Development Manager | NERA

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